People who have never moved before often assume that the kitchen would be the hardest to pack. But when they are in the middle of their first move, they will realize that nothing is as daunting as packing the garage.
Many homeowners use the garage to store all sorts of things, which is why it is a packing nightmare. Added to the work of odds and ends to sort through is dealing with your largest and heaviest belongings, when just lifting one can be exhausting and time-consuming.
So, how do you tackle this headache when it is time to move into another home? Let’s find out.
1. Downsize and Organize
When it comes to the garage, the less you have to move, the better. The first thing you should do is downsize, which requires some planning.
Come up with an organization system so that you know where everything is and plan for what you intend to do with your garage items. Consider categorizing items for recycling, trash, and those you want to donate (after all, one person’s trash is another’s treasure). And don’t forget to add buying garbage bags to your list because you will have a lot of trash.
If you have enough time, consider holding a garage sale and add planning it into your plan. You will be surprised at how much money you can make.
2. Purchase Packing Supplies
Now that your garage is in order, you can purchase packing supplies. Many items in your garage need to be properly packaged for safe transportation. For example, you likely have sharp equipment, glass, or tools that can be dangerous if packed incorrectly.
Go for heavy-duty boxes that will secure all your equipment throughout transit. Consider working with a trusted moving company that provides the specialized supplies you will need.
3. Set Aside Linens and Blankets
As you know, the garage is used to store so much more than heavy equipment and tools. If you have old towels and blankets lying around in your garage, and you don’t mind getting them dirty, you can use them to warp sharp objects. This way, the moving company you’re working with will have an easier time loading your tools into the moving truck.
4. Be Safe
The garage is like a booby trap; one wrong move can easily result in a serious injury. Make sure you proceed with caution so that you don’t get cut or hit.
When you are packing the garage, safety should be your number one priority, whether you are moving alone or with professional assistance from a moving company.
5. Identify What Goes Into the Moving Truck
Since all your other garage items will be going into the moving company’s trucks, be sure to find out what cannot go in the truck. Some of these items usually include:
• Car batteries
• Pool chemicals
• Cleaning solvents
• Propane tanks
• Liquid bleach
• Aerosol cans
• Paint and paint thinners
• Herbicides and pesticides
To avoid any accidents, you should transport these items in your vehicles. Transporting them separately can avoid injuries or accidents. Since you can well imagine what would happen if liquid bleach got into contact with all your clothes, for example, plan early for these items.
These five tips will help you pack your garage using caution and a helpful strategy so that you can stay organized and avoid accidents. Make sure that you hire a reputable moving company that provides you with all the moving supplies you need.