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Decluttering Tips During A Move | Winter Moving & Storage

Moving a jam-packed junk drawer or closets full of garments and other items you are surprised you even owned makes zero sense. If you must move yourself then you are solely responsible for carrying these extra belongings all over town. If you hire a moving company then you are solely responsible for paying more for them to move your unwanted junk into the new pad. Alas, there is a helpful solution! Just declutter your entire life, including unwanted items, before even packing. The result will be a blissful, stress-free, and inexpensive moving day! Here are a few decluttering tips to help:

Allow for Extra Time

Never wait until moving day to start decluttering or even begin packing. At least two weeks before moving, start the decluttering process followed by packing. Mark several hours per day to work through each room or closet. The best tip on this list is if you work in smaller chunks of time or areas of rooms then you lose the temptation to just toss all items in a book and think you will go through it later.

Check Product Expiration Dates

There is a high probability that your kitchen and bathroom have products that are well past their prime! Before packing even one belonging, check the expiration dates or try to remember when you purchased the good. While spices last years, they lose potency after about six-months so smell your spices. If you do not get a strong spice scent, then it’s time to throw it away. Also, the pantry likely has expired canned goods, the freezer holds expired frozen items, and the refrigerator has expired daily items. Check everything and don’t forget to throw away the random mélange of sauce packets that appear out of nowhere.

Your bathroom likely contains medicine, makeup products, or both so checking the expiration date will save you a ton of work during the move. While you’re in the bathroom, donate any extra beauty tools you have found at the back of the cabinet. Multiple hairdryers in good working order can be donated while accumulated combs and brushes can be thrown away.

Declutter Mementos at the End

It is a simpler decision to donate sheets you have always hated than an item with sentimental value. By leaving the difficult decisions for last, like what do with sentimental gifts or wedding items, you will not become frustrated during the decluttering process.

Ditch Old Cookbooks

Many cooking enthusiasts hold a library of cookbooks or recipes torn from magazines. This collection likely could use thinning out since cookbooks are heavy during moving, especially for the books and recipes you didn’t even know you had! The best option for decluttering recipes is to store them digitally by scanning the pages.

Implement the Practicality Test

The practicality test is a simple question where you ask yourself if you will honestly use a product or item. For instance, if you have not worn a garment or accessory in a year then you are unlikely to wear it again so add it to the donation box. This is a great decluttering tip for moving but is also helpful for your daily life to create space.

Moving is a stressful and slow-moving process, even if you are moving across the street! However, the decluttering process can greatly help eliminate some of that stress before the big moving day. By allowing enough time to plan and declutter, checking product expiration dates, waiting until the end to declutter sentimental items, tossing old cookbooks, and utilizing the practicality test, you will end up moving only the required items!

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