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Moving To A New City Alone | Hear Tips From the Experts Here

Moving to a brand new city on your own can feel like a daunting task. You don’t know anyone, you’re hoping the research you put into finding the right apartment is accurate and you don’t even know who has the best coffee by your new pad! All of this is on top of needing to pack, drive, and move on your own can be a lot of stress. Luckily, just because you’re moving to a new city alone doesn’t mean you need to do it by yourself. Here at Winter Moving & Storage, we have all the moving help and advice you might need. We’re here to help make sure you accomplish your solo move as smoothly and effortlessly as possible.

Start Early

Try to start packing as early as possible. You might be able to land some help with packing from friends and family, but if not you’ll need added time for packing. It’s best to have a few months to get things ready. With this added time, you’ll be able to pack a few boxes a week, so by the time moving day comes around, you’ll be all ready. You don’t want to stress yourself out when moving. You’ll already be doing this on your own, so the last thing you want is to add extra stress when you could avoid it.

Sell Everything You Can

Moving is easier when you have less with you. If you’ve been through a few moves already, you might be ready to just sell off everything you own, toss a few choice pieces of clothing into a bag, and move that way. If you’d rather hold onto some of your items, it’s still recommended to get rid of what you can. Moving is the perfect time to add in new furniture. It’s a fresh start. List your items on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace if you can; it’s a good way to get rid of the clutter and make your moving life easier.

Again, if you start with your move and packing a few months out you’ll have time to list items and trim out the fat before your move.

Ask for Help

As a moving company, we fully understand the importance of asking for help. Because you’re moving on your own, you might be facing a handful of objects you simply can’t handle yourself. Have you tried to move a king mattress by yourself? It’s nearly impossible, so asking for help is the way to go.

If you have friends who can lend a hand, great; if not, don’t worry. You can always ask for help from a moving company such as Winter Moving & Storage. Our moving company can help with everything from loading up the truck to driving it and even offloading.

Maybe you don’t need help with loading the truck, but you need some help on the back end of your move. We can help connect you with the right moving company wherever you end up.

Take Your Time

You’ll be on your own with the move. This means you’ll also need to drive the truck on your own, which can become tiring. Don’t try to force yourself into overdoing it; instead, take your time. You don’t need to force yourself into driving 10 hours a day if you’re not able to. Take your time and you’ll be better off for it.

Help When You Need It

At Winter Moving & Storage, we know how hard moving to a new city on your own can be. Fortunately, we’re here to land a hand with all your moving and storage needs, so give us a call today.

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