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Moving with Pets and Kids | Moving Tips Northwest Arkansas

Moving by yourself is stressful; however, it becomes even more difficult when you have to move with your kids and pets. Many factors will affect your moving experience, including your kids’ ages, how much property you need to move, how far you have to move, and how many pets you have.

Suffice it to say; some advice could help, especially if you’re moving for the first time. You probably understand that the stress involved with moving can translate to your children and pets. However, the good news is that you can make the move easier with foresight and planning.

Here are some tips to help you move with your kids and pets

Moving with kids

Moving with kids is complicated because you must watch them and keep them safe while ensuring everything goes as planned on your moving day. Your kids may be anxious, scared, or sad about leaving their homes and moving to a new place. Here are some tips that can help you make the process easier for them.

Be open and prepare them early.

You shouldn’t surprise your kids with your decision to move. Instead, tell them in advance and allow them to ask you questions and voice their concerns. Answer their questions simply and positively, and try to make the move sound interesting. You should also remind them to say goodbye to their teachers and friends.

Get them involved

It may feel easier to handle everything involving the moving process yourself; however, encouraging your kids to contribute could be even better and more exciting. Doing this helps them own the process allowing them to feel involved in decision-making. Suggest that they pack their toys and encourage them to plan for their new rooms’ decor and paint colors.

Pump it up

Start a conversation about features your kids may find interesting about the new home or city. These could include a new game room, a fantastic zoo, or other exciting activities they may enjoy doing. You could even take them on a weekend trip to the new city to explore exciting activities.

Create a plan for your moving day.

You should plan your moving day to ensure everything goes as expected. Determine whether you’ll have your kids in the house, with your grandparent, or with a babysitter. Pre-plan various activities you should give the kids to keep them occupied on the big day.


Pack enough snacks and provide plenty of entertainment if you go by plane or opt for a car ride. Pack some nap gear to ensure they get enough rest throughout the trip. Doing this helps prevent any sleep-deprived tantrums you’d otherwise get.

Maintain routines

You should maintain your kids’ routine during the moving day or any other significant day associated with the move. Ensure your kids are up on time, feed them within the usual dinner hours, and let them sleep during regular bedtime hours. This will help them feel secure despite the changes happening around them.


Reward your kids once they arrive at your new home. This may include a fun activity or toy to thank them for being patient and helpful. Some fun activities may include board games, movie night, or walking to the local playground.

Moving with pets

Some tips to help you move with your pet include:

Getting them used to the kennel

Ensure you get your pet used to the kennel early enough to prevent them from getting anxious during the trip. Include their favorite toy, bed, and blanket to make them more comfortable.

Take them to the vet.

You should take your dog to the vet to ensure they are in perfect condition to travel before deciding to move. Get copies of their records, ensure they are vaccinated, and find solutions if they have a history of getting anxious when traveling.

Provide a safe space.

Provide your dog with a safe space to protect them from any stress involved with moving. Better yet, you can keep them at a friend’s house and get them after you’ve moved.

Winter Moving and Storage

The best way to ease the stress of moving is to choose a reliable moving agency. Winter Moving and Storage is a reliable and experienced partner that can help make it easy for you to move in Northwest Arkansas and all across the country. Contact us any time, and let us help you meet your unique needs.


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